
The Time to Strike is NOW!

Tonight I'm on the air starting at 9 p.m. MST. Click the link under my profile to listen if you are up for it. When I organize my set list I usually bounce around my LP's, pull some stuff there, go into my room and stare at the CD wall for a bit, gravitate towards the stacks of CDR's laying around, and then possibly bring my Ipod or my laptop. When I'm on the air I usually have a sketch in my head how I want to show to flow and I piece the music together like a painter. Laying down track after track but sometimes making adjustments if it isn't working out and sometimes even doing a 180 when I'm not happy with the show. So I never really know exactly how it's going to turn out.

One thing that does not vary is my pick for the top of the 11 o'clock hour. I call it the "Manowar minute", which is not accurate really since, "No one tells a man how to play, it just ain't that way". So Manowar takes as long as necessary. I know some of the wimps and posers out there are weeping on their pillows when Manowar starts blasting through the speakers. No one will hear their cries. Hail to the Metal Kings!

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